05 May 2011

The Road Scholar - Day 124 (So Much For Plans)

Well, whatever I had on the agenda for today has been completely blown out of the water. My plan was to make it to our terminal last night and take care of this passport business. The company sent a message yesterday afternoon saying that a stretch of I-40 would be closed in Arkansas, due to flooding. So I took the detour, as prescribed, but about 2 miles before the exit, traffic came to a standstill for nearly 45 minutes. Once it started moving again, it rolled pretty smooth... for a while. After we got on U.S. 49 going north, we came up to another backup - this one lasted for about 2 hours. Apparently, on this two-lane highway, a truck broke down, during which time I ran out of hours - and no place to park!

So, I did NOT make it to Little Rock... hence, I did not (and will not have the time) stop to submit my paperwork for my passport.

Not starting out to be a good day... but I have to calm down and realize that my G-d must have a purpose in mind. We may not know right away what these purposes are, but He makes them known IN DUE TIME. When they are made known to us - and we recognize it - we (at least I do) are held in awe & amazement that He had it under control all along.

- Another rant via BlogPress

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