06 August 2012

Year 2, Day 217 (Back To Work)

This is one of those days I usually dread, the reason being I know it's time to go back to work. I've had a very nice time at home, even getting some very quiet time yesterday (Nathan spend the night at his Grandmother's house - my Mother-in-law - to help her with some things, cleaning up the yard, etc.). Last night we purchased an iPod Shuffle for my wife, Tikvah, her first. She had been looking to get an mp3 player for work, and asked me if she did that, could she load some of the songs from our iTunes library on it, I told her only if it was an Apple product. Once we made the purchase and returned home, she asked if I would show her how to put songs on it (since she had never dealt with such an item before). Once we registered the Shuffle, we went through the library to create a playlist for her. I then showed her how simple it was to load songs on the playlist, and that loading them onto the iPod was even easier. She will be trying it out for the first time today, since she received a call yesterday asking if she could help out at the farm.

Relaxation, family, and copious amounts of coffee... yes, this was a VERY good weekend.

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