03 December 2011

Day 336 (Home Until Monday)

Today turned out to be a good day. I left from Hayti, MO this morning and made it home a little after 1400. Since I don't deliver until Monday afternoon, I figured it's better to spend the time at home than in the truck. When I made it home, my wife and I went to Kroger and picked up a few things (I will be making some Pico De Gallo tomorrow) for our coffee and for dinner. I made my (as my family puts it) "famous" hamburgers, and Tikvah made her potato salad.

While we were making our respective food items, we also listened to some tunes "on wax" - i.e., Duran Duran Rio and Depeche Mode Black Celebration. As you can see, it's been a peaceful and relaxing end to the Sabbath.

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