24 July 2011

Day 204 (On Our Way To Youngstown)

I made it into Kentucky (just across the state line) at 0400 this morning. We started the day at around 1400, stopping for fuel in Jeffersonville, OH, and doing some grocery shopping in Grove City, OH. Clinton is going to drive us the rest of the way in for our first drop in Youngstown, OH.

Clinton seems a nice fellow. I won't say that I'm an excellent judge of character, but after the first day I can usually tell if we will be compatible enough to endure 3 weeks together. He lives in Memphis, unmarried, and in his early 40's. We get along pretty good... plus he either likes the music I have on my iPod, or at least tolerates it. I haven't gotten any Starbucks, but - on a whim - I tried the Pacific Northwest Iced Coffee from Denny's. I must say, it's not too bad... considering it is a restaurant chain's interpretation of the real deal - but not too bad.

- Another rant via BlogPress

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