17 March 2011

The Road Scholar - Day 76 (And Tyson Is So Great Why?!)

We got here just before lunch and security had us drop the trailer in the lot. We had one load preplanned, it cancelled, then this one, which delivers tomorrow morning in Washington Courthouse, OH - which the trailer is still not loaded.

I've said it before, I'll said it again: I detest dealing with Tyson!

Today is St. Patrick's Day, and it's hard to believe that 20 years ago today I was leaving from Kuwait and heading back to Camp Pendleton, CA, just 2 weeks after the cease-fire was called on Operation Desert Storm. It still doesn't seem that long ago... yet, 20 years ago today, I had no idea what would be in store - and YOU will find out what exactly that it, but you'll have to wait until the 23rd (hint: something happened that would forever change my life for the better).

- Another rant via BlogPress

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