29 February 2012

Year 2, Day 60 (A Wet & Chilly Day)

Today has been fairly chilly here in Woodinville, WA, as well as rainy with a snow mixture. The trailer has been unloaded, but Larry and I are still waiting to find out where we go next. Chances are (as it has been in the past) we will get sent to load in Lewiston, ID with product going to Tulsa, OK, but we mind not get that word for a couple more hours. Last night, however, we had a roast that I had cooking in the crock pot all day, and (as usual) it turned out splendidly!

I was unable to get together with Terri (whom lives in the Seattle area), but I did get to speak with her earlier today. As I figured, her schedule has kept her busy, but she's recently had an unexpected event take place. Mind you, it's nothing with her directly... all I will divulge at this point is that I ask you - if you are one that prays - to pray for her friend David... I certainly will. Perhaps the next time I'm up here we will be able to meet up, but only if The L-rd allows.

After we arose this morning, I did my daily reading of Scripture, then Larry and I walked up the road to Starbucks, where we watched the rain... then the snow... back to the rain fall outside, while we relaxed inside, where it was warm and dry. Walking in a light drizzle is not bad, nor do I mind the cooler weather... when it's cooler, the chilly air in the lungs is always more refreshing. It's also good exercise to do some walking. In a couple more weeks, however, walking for me will be a thing of the past, as I will finally have my bike. Since this area has quite a few bike paths, I will be going on a few adventures... which I will, no doubt, post on when the time comes. The city of Woodinville has always brought me a certain peace whenever I'm up here. The people are courteous & friendly, and it's a safe environment. Just yesterday I saw a couple people (at different locations) wearing an orange reflective vest while walking a dog. I asked one of them the reason why. As I soon found out, there is an animal shelter nearby that they volunteer at, and they take the dogs out for a walk... to get them away from the confines of their cages (the digs, not the people). I find this service very noble indeed, that these dogs can be offered this level of care until they are finally adopted.

Arkansas doesn't have anything like this... at least not that I've seen.

1 comment:

terrinakamura said...

Thank you, Doug, for saying a prayer for my friend, David.

I hope the next time you are in this neck of the woods, we can find share a meal, a cup of coffee or just share some time together.

Travel safely,
