04 April 2012

Year 2, Day 95 (Almost Halfway There)

Yesterday afternoon I started off again after shutting down just north of San Antonio. I trudged on north through Austin, Waco, etc... even hitting some rain and hail as I came closer to Dallas. I found out that a tornado hit the south eastern part of Dallas, fortunately that was nowhere near where I was heading. One of the Guest Bloggers whom will be filling in for me next week lives in Dallas, and she may be posting on that very thing.

This is one major downside to hauling produce... regardless how long you wait to get loaded, the receiving customer still wants their product on time. That's one of the good things to having electronic logs: when our time runs out, we shut down. however, I fear that when I do get the and get unloaded, I may be getting re-loaded at the same place I delivered... which means I will have to pull an all-nighter to make my first drop on time.

You win some, you lose some. I will still give The L-rd, my G-d, His praise!

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