06 May 2012

Year 2, Day 127 (Jewish Food Festival)

Today my wife, Tikvah, my youngest son, Nathan, and I went to the annual Jewish Food Festival in Little Rock, AR. This is the 7th year that it's been held, and it was up to par with last year's. It's not just food that is being honored and celebrated, but the culture. There were a variety of several different booths set up, selling goods such as art, music, baked goods, information/history, and a variety of Judaica products.

There was even a gentleman whom had a booth set up and giving demonstrations - with audience participation - on how to make homemade Matzo.

My youngest son, Nathan, even got into the act.

Considering he had never made Matzo before (neither have I, for that matter), the end result was well done.

There were also a variety of live bands performing at the Festival. Even though I am usually drawn to music, I was more attentive to the food of the event. There was the usual bill of fare: Falafels, Matzoh Ball Soup, Lox & Bagels, and, of course, Kabobs (which is usually, for events in which the general public is in attendance, a lamb/beef mixture. This is done because most people whom are unfamiliar with Mediterranean cuisine find lamb to have a "wild" taste... therefore it is cut with beef.).

There was also a backdrop on location which has a replicated image of the Western Wall (commonly referred to as the "Wailing Wall" among the non-Jewish populace). My wife, Tikvah, posed in front of this backdrop, which gave this doubly beautiful picture.

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