04 March 2012

Year 2, Day 64 (Our Goal Should Be Reached Tonight)

We made our way to Limon, CO last night and shut down for the night. Yesterday did provide some good training for Larry. It was a little windy when we arrived in Casper, WY (where we fueled and did some shopping), though as we ventured further south toward Cheyenne, the wind made sure we knew it was there. It usually get pretty windy in Cheyenne, and extends to the north and west... yesterday was no exception. Some areas were estimating gusts of 50+ MPH, which isn't too bad when you have a heavily laden trailer, but in our case (having only about 17,000 lbs, as opposed to 40,000 lbs) proved to be more challenging. I've been through the area many times, si I could have taken over, but that would not have done any justice for Larry's training... and he handled it quite well.

Just as I had predicted, once we left the Cheyenne area into Colorado, the wind dissipated dramatically... which is always odd, considering the difference is going from 50+ MPH crosswinds to almost nothing in a period of less than 20 miles.

We just left a short while ago from Colby, KS (where I got some Starbucks), where it's a little windy, but also warmer than what we have been in the past week. The temperature is showing to be about 45°, but it sure feels warmer than that... though I'm already missing the north west region AND the colder climate.

We should be able to get to the customer in Tulsa, OK tonight (which is what I hope to do), then get another re-start on our logbooks before delivering Tuesday morning. What happens next is still a mystery. At least I have coffee... and fresh made Pico De Gallo.

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