23 February 2012

Year 2, Day 54 (Oh Northwest... How I've Missed You)

After Larry and I arrived at Union City, TN yesterday evening, I found it turned out to be a drop & hook, so we were pretty much in and out. Our pre-plan had us picking up in Dexter, MO, but wasn't scheduled to load until tonight, between 2000-2200, and going to Rogers, AR. I made the call and we shut down in Matthews, MO, about 30 miles away from Dexter. We left out of there this morning around 1145. Before we did, I received a pre-plan for my next load, which is just where I wanted to go: load in Tulsa, OK, a drop in Woodinville, WA and finishing off in Burnaby, BC.

I haven't been up that way since this October past, so I am very excited about going... plus Larry will get some good mountain training under his belt. This (as some may say) is a little harsh, taking a 58 year old man, whom had never driven a truck before, and bringing him through the mountainous regions, but the way I see it: if he handles this pretty good, he'll have no problems as a truck driver.

While I'm up there, I will have to try and get together with one of my favorite tweeps, Terri Nakamura. I haven't seen her since our first meeting, but this time I'll look for an area (where I can park the truck) closer to her stomping grounds. I know she is a very busy woman, so I will be honored if she is able to fit me into her hectic schedule (the coffee/lunch or dinner will be on me this time). But in the meantime, I'll focus on getting out of here, then to Rogers, then to Tulsa, and finally making my way back up there to Washington.

1 comment:

  1. Gadszooks, Doug! I finally logged in via another browser to leave a comment!

    It would be great to see you again, so give me a shout when you have an idea of when you will be in the Seattle area!

    In the meantime, good luck with your journey through the mountain passes and drive carefully!

