06 November 2011

Day 309 (On The Way To Iowa... Maybe I'll See Kevin Costner)

Doyle and I left out ay around 0815 after getting the trailer washed out, and made our way to Pine Bluff, AR. When I spoke to the broker Friday about this load, he said that the product was going to be run on Sunday, and should be ready by about 0300 this morning. It wasn't. Not only was it not ready, the customer hadn't even run it yet. We finally got loaded, then scaled the truck, and just got underway about 30 minutes ago. The good thing is we have until 2000 tomorrow night to get there.

Being a truck driver isn't what some would expect. On any given day, I can run anywhere from 450-600 miles. In the case of today - because the product wasn't ready - that has cut into our driving time. Tyson is a constant offender of this (this, however, was not a Tyson load. Many have the perception that our commerce could probably serve better without truck drivers. Think about this: Without truck drivers, how would groceries get to the stores, cars to the dealerships, or gas to the gas stations? Sure all of these things could get there by rail, but how many hundreds of miles of additional track would have to be laid for that to happen? How drastically would that hinder commerce if there are railroad tracks and railcars at EVERY grocery store, gas station, and mall?

Just food for thought.

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