04 August 2011

Day 215 (A Change Of Plans)

Clinton and I got up and started driving about 1000 this morning, to make a stop at our Ft. Smith, AR terminal, then head out to Tulsa, OK to pick up our load going to Edmonton, AB. Unfortunately, the load cancelled today, so we are no longer heading to Alberta, Canada. After about an hour, we id get a new load... this one picks up tomorrow (in Tulsa) and delivers Wednesday afternoon in Burnaby, BC (which, I surmise, is in the Vancouver area). This also has an additional drop, in Woodinville, WA, which is just north and slightly east of Seattle.

Seattle area? Wait, I think I know somebody (via Twitter, of course) that lives in that area... OH YEAH... none other than @terrinakamura. Perhaps we may just get the chance to meet IRL ("In Real Life" just in case you are one of those who didn't know). Terri and I have interacted several times over the last year or so. It will be cool to finally get to meet her.

Perhaps we'll have coffee (methinks "yes")!

- Another rant via BlogPress


  1. Doug, Methinks "YES" too! Looking forward to it and I'll get in touch with you to give you my phone number and stuff! YIPPPPEEEEEEEE!

  2. In the words of Robin Williams (from the movie Hook): "Bang-a-ray!"
