13 July 2011

Day 193 (Oklahoma Bound)

I unloaded this morning at Elkton, KY, waited a couple hours before my next load, which I'm now on. This (another broker load) picks up in Franklin, KY (about 45 minutes north of Nashville, TN) and delivers Friday in Ardmore, OK. It seems to me that if a company (in this case, the shipper) schedules an appointment time for a load, they should keep to their own schedule. My appointment was for 1300. I was not late. In fact, I arrived 1 1/2 hours early, only to find out I will be waiting at least 3 hours, because the load "isn't ready". I spent 8 years in the military, so I understand (especially in the Marine Corps) the importance of schedules and being on time. With many of these facilities, if the driver is late - the driver is punished (either by waiting several hours to load or unload, or having the appointment rescheduled); but if the delay falls on the shoulders of that particular customer, well... we, as the drivers, are forced to "deal with it" or to "suck it up".

Believe or not, this is a fairly common practice. Many don't understand what we have to endure on a daily basis. Many don't care. Some have actually said, "that's life." No, that's not life, that's incompetence. If you set a schedule - then can't keep it - adjust your planning practices. If that doesn't work, get better management. Incompetence is something that has so infiltrated our society to the point that it's common practice. I have made it a habit to strive for efficiency and excellence. I try to plan where I want to be when I shut down for the night, before I start the day on my load. I plan in accordance with the load destination and the time I have to be there. I do this so I can make the best use of my driving time available. If this routine is delayed due to poor planning of a customer's managerial staff, then I can get a bit irritable... I'm not able to make the best use of my time, which takes away the time I had allocated that allowed me to stop for Starbucks - which, in turn, could elevate my irritability.

I have't had any coffee yet... can you tell?

- Another rant via BlogPress


  1. Doug, that sandwich is other worldly. One pound of pastrami? Uh, that looks like it could feed a family!

    Looking forward to possibly meeting IRL if your travels take you to the NW!


  2. Terri, I'm glad you could finally post a comment! Yes, that sandwich is something else... Izzy's even posted, thanking me for showcasing the 110 Reuben. I, too, hope to meet IRL - soon! Cheers & Blessings, Terri!!
