07 June 2011

Day 157 (A Tyson Load? UGH!)

Joseph and I got unloaded early this morning in Albany, KY, then made our way up to Corydon, IN where we are now sitting waiting to get loaded. I don't like dealing with Tyson, because no matter when you get there, they load you when their computer program tells them to.

Either way, I know The L-rd has a purpose for all this... He usually does. It's been hot everywhere today, and my air conditioner is in good working order (though I'm still ready for winter to come back). Being a truck driver is not as easy as it may seem, there are a multitude of laws and regulations you have to be aware of, along with maintaining a logbook, plus the skills needed to actually operate the truck & trailer in a safe and professional manner. Though sad as it may seem, there are plenty of truck drivers out here that really show little to no courtesy - professional or otherwise. So if nothing else, at least I can instill my professional driving habits upon others, one student at a time. Let's see how far that goes.

- Another rant via BlogPress

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