07 March 2011

The Road Scholar - Day 66 (Almost Home)

Delivered in Arlington... blah, blah, blah... yakkity schmakkity. Arlington to Ft. Worth, TX to here in our terminal in North Little Rock, AR. I was fortunate enough to get out of the D/FW (Dallas/Ft. Worth) area before traffic got bad, and in many places in that area, it's not hard. Take, for example, I-35, which splits in two just south of Denton and rejoins just less than 40 miles north of Waco. I-35E runs through Dallas (a total of about 97 miles), I-35W through Ft. Worth (86 miles). Once I-35W intersects with I-820, on the north end of Ft. Worth, that interchange is known as "Malfunction Junction" (and I'm sure no further elaboration is needed). But that interstate split is not unique in just Texas, as that same interstate (I-35) also repeats that I-35E/I-35W split for Minnesota's Twin Cities (I-35E through St. Paul, I-35W through Minneapolis).

I must admit, since becoming a truck driver, I have learned more about American geography than I recall ever learning in school... or maybe I just didn't pay attention in school.

Tomorrow I will be meeting up with another driver and giving him this New York load. I don't really want to give it up because it has good miles, but I don't want this tooth bothering me either, so I'll give up the miles. It will all work out in the end, The L-rd ALWAYS knows what He's doing - even when we don't (and that's the majority of the time - at least for me).

- Another rant via BlogPress

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